Old Presque Isle Lighthouse
Lighthouse short history: The Old Presque Isle Light was the first lighthouse in Presque Isle County, Michigan, built in 1840, supported physically by two-thirds stone and one-third brick, and supported financially by funds appropriated by Congress two years earlier of $5,000. The tower and dwelling did not last long in the harsh weather, however, and by 1867 they were deteriorated enough for Congress to find need for a newer station. It presently is not operational and is a museum.
Lake legend says the station still provides a residence for ghosts who haunt the light. The ghost of George Parris, a former museum caretaker who is now deceased is said to haunt the light. Though the light has long since been deactivated, the tale says that George returns habitually to light the lamp. Other accounts of Mr. Parris include a young girl who was exploring the tower alone. When she returned, she had told her parents that she was talking to a "nice old man" in the tower's lamp room. It was later found that nobody else had been in the tower at that time. The girl correctly identified the man as former keeper George Parris from a photo kept in the adjoining museum.
One day, Parris' widowed wife was going out to run an errand during an intense lightning storm. She was about to leave the cottage, but claimed that some unusual force was blocking the exit. Just then lightning struck directly outside the cottage. To this day, Mrs. Parris believes that it was the spirit of her deceased husband that kept her from certain electrocution.
Printed on canvas, finished size of 16" x 24", and signed. It is also available as a 12" x 18" printed on heavy watercolor paper or as an A2 size (4.25" x 5.5") notecard.